Bundt cake Mie Noodles con Queso
Mie Noodles with Cheese Bundt
Another month here sharing my compis #BundtBakers.
This time the challenge is our favorite savory Bundt ...
Here you have mine: Delicious macaroni and cheese recipe my mother carrying me to those days of laughter and games.
Host Sneha Datar
Otro mes aqui compartiendo con mis compis de #BundtBakers.
Esta vez el reto es nuestro Bundt savory favorito...
Aqui teneis el mio: Deliciosos fideos con queso una receta de mi madre que me transporta a aquellos tiempos de risas y juegos.

+ 250g Mie Noodles
+ 4 Eggs
+ 40ml Creme
+ Emmental cheese
+ Mozarella cheese
+ 2 tablespoons Flour
+ 1 teaspoon Thyme
+ 1 teaspoon Pink Pepper
+ Half teaspoon Garlic
+ 250g Mie Noodles
+ 4 Huevos
+ 40ml Nata
+ Queso Enmental
+ Queso Mozarella
+ 2 cucharadas Harina
+ 1 cucharadita Tomillo
+ 1 cucharadita Pimienta Rosa
+ media cucharadita Ajo

Paso a paso:
+ Mise en place
+ Remojar los Noodles segun instrucciones
+ Precalentar el horno a 350 grados, arriba y abajo con ventilador
+ Separar las yemas de las claras
+ Montar las claras a punto nieve
+ Batir las yemas
+ Mezclar las yemas con las claras
+ Suavemente en movimientos envolventes
+ Agregar el harina tamizada, mezclar
+ Agregar queso a placer
+ Agregar las especies
+ Agregar la nata, mezclar
+ Agregar los Noodles, impregnando muy bien
+ Engrasar y enharinar el molde Heritage
+ Colocar los Noodles en el molde rellenando rincones
+ Hornear durante 20 minutos tapado con papel de horno
+ Retirar del horno, desmoldar pasados 15 minutos
+ Espolvorear con mas queso y listo para comer
+ Solo nos resta disfrutar de un bundt delicioso!!!
English version
+Mise en place
+Soaking according to instructions Noodles
+Preheat oven to 350 degrees up and down with fan
+Separate the yolks and whites
+Whisk the egg whites until stiff
+Beat the yolks
+Mix the egg yolks with clear
+Smoothly in outflanking
+Add the sifted flour, mix
+Add cheese pleasure
+Add species
+Add the cream, mix
+Add the Noodles, impregnating very well
+Grease and flour the pan Heritage
+Place the Noodles in the mold filling corners
+Bake for 20 minutes covered with baking paper
+Remove from oven, unmold after 15 minutes
+Sprinkle with more cheese and ready to eat
+We can only enjoy a delicious bundt !!!

Here I leave my girls work #BundtBakers
Aqui os dejo el trabajo de mis chicas #BundtbBakers
Savory BundtsPan Rotisserie Chicken From Palatable Pastime
Calzone Bundt From A Day in the Life on the Farm
Green Olive, Ham & Cheese Bundt Cake From Patty's Cake
Spicy Garlic & Herb Potato Monkey Bread From Passion Kneaded
Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuit Bundt From Cookaholic Wife
bundt cale nido de hormiga From mercedes del sol
Spinach Spaghetti Bundt From Sneha's Recipe

#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme or ingredient. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about #BundtBakers, can be found on our home page