Caramel Corn Flakes Bundt Cake
This month we will not do an clasic bundtcake, we will use breakfast cereals. The supermarket shelves are full of all kinds of breakfast cereals - Cornflakes, Froot Loops, Cocoa Kripsies, to name a few. My bundt carries corn cereal that I love since childhood, I've put into the bundt and also as decoration and caramel sauce ... can only say ... I love the Corn Flakes !!!
Este mes no haremos un bundtcake corriente, utilizaremos cereales del desayuno. Los estantes de los supermercados están llenos de todo tipo de cereales para el desayuno - Copos de maíz, Froot Loops, Cacao Kripsies, por nombrar algunos. Mi bundt lleva cereales de maiz que me encantan desde pequeña, los he puesto dentro del bundt y tambien como decoración y con la salsa de caramelo...solo puedo decir...adoro los Corn Flakes!!!

+ 250g Harina
+ 250g Mantequilla
+ 250g Azucar
+ 4 Huevos
+ 7,5g Levadura
+ Pizca Sal
+ 1 Mandarina
+ 200g Corn Flakes
Salsa Caramelo:
+ 200g Azucar
+ 120g Nata para montar
+ 3 cucharadas Mantequilla
+ 1/4 cucharadita Sal
Paso a paso:
+ Mise en place
+ Blanquear la mantequilla por 5 minutos
+ Precalentar el horno a 180 grados, arriba y abajo
+ Mezclar la mantequilla y el azucar batir 5 minutos
+ Agregar los huevos uno a uno sin parar de batir
+ Cernir el harina con la levadura
+ Preparar el caramelo fundiendo el azucar y agua hasta dorar
+ Verter en el fondo del molde Bundt Heritage
+ Agregar el harina en tres veces
+ Agregar la sal
+ Agregar el zumo de mandarina
+ Agregar la mitad de los Corn Flakes, mezclar
+ Tendremos una masa cremosa y pesada
+ Colocar una capa de masa en el fondo del molde engrasado
+ Otra capa de Corn Flakes
+ Terminamos con una capa de masa
+ Hornear durante 50 minutos, hasta tener el palillo limpio
+ Dejar reposar 15 minutos, desmoldar con cuidado
+ Enfriar por completo sobre una rejilla
+ Ahora preparamos la salsa de Caramelo Salado:
+ Empezar fundiendo el azucar con el agua
+ Añadir la nata con cuidado por el gran burbujeo
+ Añadir la sal, retirar del fuego y dejar enfriar
+ Bañar el bundt con el caramelo templado
+ Y cubrir generosamente con las hojuelas de Corn Flakes
+ Ahora si podemos disfrutar de un pastel crujiente y delicioso!!!
**English Version**
+ 250g Flour
+ 250g Butter
+ 250g Sugar
+ 4 Eggs
+ 7.5g Yeast
+ Pinch Salt
+ 1 Tangerine
+ 200g Corn Flakes
Caramel sauce:
+ 200g Sugar
+ 120g Whipping cream
+ 3 tablespoons Butter
+ 1/4 teaspoon Salt
Step by Step:
+ Mise en place
+ Blanch the butter for 5 minutes
+ Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, up and down
+ Mix butter and sugar beat for 5 minutes
+ Add eggs one by one without stopping to beat
+ Sift the flour with the yeast
+ Prepare the caramel by melting the sugar and water until golden brown
+ Pour into the bottom of the Bundt Heritage mold
+ Add the flour in three times
+ Add the salt
+ Add mandarin juice
+ Add half of the Corn Flakes, mix
+ We will have a creamy and heavy mass
+ Place a layer of dough on the bottom of the greased mold
+ Another layer of Corn Flakes
+ We finish with a layer of dough
+ Bake for 50 minutes, until the chopstick is clean
+ Let stand 15 minutes, carefully unmold
+ Cool completely on a grid
+ Now we prepare the sauce of Caramelo Salado:
+ Start by melting the sugar with the water
+ Add the cream carefully by the large bubbling
+ Add the salt, remove from heat and let cool
+ Bathe the bundt with tempered candy
+ And cover generously with Corn Flakes
+ Now we can enjoy a crispy and delicious cake !!!

Here I leave my girls work #BundtBakers
Aqui os dejo el trabajo de mis chicas #BundtbBakers
Host is Felice Geoghegan del
Breakfast Mini Bundts from A Day in the Life on the Farm
Cinnamon Frosted Flakes Bundt Cake from All That's Left Are The Crumbs
Granola Brownie Bundt from Food Lust People Love
Grape-Nuts Bundt Cake from Passion Kneaded
Honeycomb Cereal Bundt Cake from Patty's Cake
Mixed Cereal Upside Down Pineapple Bundt from Sneha's Recipe
Oatmeal Bundtlets with Granola Topping from Sweet Sensation
Caramel Corn Flakes Bundt from Patyco Candybar
Sugar Pops Bundt Cake from The Queen of Scones

#BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme or ingredient. You can see all our of lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about #BundtBakers, can be found on our home page
Bundt Bakers March 2019
Breakfast Cereal Bundt Cakes